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D/Arts Sessions // Community-based working
Donnerstag, 25. Mai 2023, 18:00
kostenlosThe event series D/Arts Sessions takes a closer look at collective and community-based forms of collaboration. This session explores transdisciplinary expressions of collective work, as it can be pursued in a fluidity of formats. To avoid singular narratives of politics and history, we must imagine, examine and experiment with different concepts of collectivity and tackle the possibilities of repeating mechanisms of exclusion by ignoring unequal power dynamics and privileges.
Live podcasting by ze_R0!Ayns and students of Vienna Master of Arts
in Applied Human Rights (Angewandte).
Sheri Avraham, artist, researcher, curator, performer, Vienna
Gabriel Moncayo Asan, curator, stylist, editor, producer, Vienna
In cooperation with D/Arts.
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